Stormstar padded out of her den.
"Stormstar,Stormstar!"Came the call of a white and black she-cat.
"Snowheart,What do you need?"Stormstar asked.
Snowheart looked at Stormstar."Blazeclan has attacked us!"She mewed breathlessly.
"Great Starclan!We'll show them who's boss.We are gong to attack them tonight"Stormstar meowed.
"Tonight?Why tonight?You know I'm..."Snowheart mewed.
"Yes I know your afraid of the dark.But that doesn't matter.You must get rid of that fear."Stormstar meowed.It was finally nighttime and Stormclan were ready to attack.The clan padded to The Great Forest of Dreams and waited for Blazeclan.Blazeclan appeared on the other side of The Forest of Dreams.
Razor stepped forward."Well,well.You actually showed up.We thought you would never come like last time."He hissed.
Stormstar stepped forward."Like you even cared.You mouse-brained idiot!We are stronger now and we will win this battle!"She announced.Yowls of agreement came from Stormclan.Stormstar twitched her tail and Stormclan was silent.
They fought that night and many cats had died,but that night,Stormclan won the battle and named it The Great Battle of Stormclan and Blazeclan.